Parent Appreciation Breakfast

On May 11, 2018, the YSWPCS school community celebrated the parents, grandparents and other special adults in the lives of our students!  All students and many family members were treated to a special breakfast and decorated picture frames for their families!  From the staff at YSWPCS, we want to thank you for all that you do!

April Attendance Awards

Congratulations for the following students for being here everyday in April and filling out their attendance chart correctly:

KA- Hafsa Demiryurek
KB – Tawoin Williams
1A- Alaiyah Nelson
1B – Jonah Collins
2A – Vanessa Jatto
2B -Ronan McQueary
3A – Betul Biyikli
3B – Hanan Musah
4A – Nevaeh Harley
4B – Mariya Chajkowski
5A – Jasmina Hatam
5B – Michaelangelo De Gracia
6A -No one turned in their calendar
6B -Jillian Rarick
7 – Nicholas Myers
8 – No one turned in their calendar
We have one more full month in school to earn a chance to win an attendance prize!  Do your best to be here everyday in May; there are a lot of fun days and activities planned for this month!  Good luck.

Jump Rope for Heart

Our students had a blast in March learning about heart health through the YSWPCS Jump Rope for Heart event!  In addition to learning about how to keep themselves and their families healthy, our students and staff also raised $540 for the American Heart Association so that they can continue to help those who are affected by heart disease!  Thank you to everyone for making this annual event a success!


Colorful Journey Through Ebru and Anatolian Civilisations

YSWPCS/YSMCS Startalk Turkish Language Program will offer 75 hours of instruction for 15 days for 40 students in 3-5 and 6-8 Grades through intensive language classes and rich cultural workshops and presentations. Students will experience Turkish language and culture through traditional Ebru Art. The program curriculum will be constructed around the traditional Turkish Arts – Ebru, Calligraphy and Turkish Folk Dances. Students will also engage in various task-based language activities to improve language proficiency. During the program, there will be different cultural trips to help students indulge in the real Turkish culture. Field trips, hands-on student-centered activities, catered lunch including authentic Turkish food, interactive language learning, and more!

Who can apply: Students in grades 3-8
DatesJune 25 – July 13, 2018
Times: Mon – Fri (9:00 am – 3:30 pm)
Place: Young Scholars Baldwin Campus

Application Deadline: May 1st, 2018


Program Highlights
-No fee to participate, just first 40 application to be accepted as we have limited seats

-Ideal for students with no Turkish or little bit of Turkish

-Converse in basic Turkish

-Experience Turkish arts like Ebru (Turkish marbling), Turkish Calligraphy and, basic steps of Turkish Folk dance, learning about Ancient Anatolian Civilizations, Pottery and Ceramic kilns,

-Learn how to make Turkish themed art and craft

-Lunch will be provided (Turkish Style for some days)

STARTALK’s Mission

STARTALK’s mission is to increase the number of U.S. citizens learning, speaking, and teaching critical need foreign languages. STARTALK offers students (K–16) and teachers of these languages creative and engaging summer experiences that strive to exemplify best practices in language education and in language teacher development. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) launched STARTALK in 2006 and delegated executive oversight of the program to the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA, in turn, awarded a contract to the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC) at the University of Maryland (UMD) to act as its subject matter expert in the implementation and administration of the program.

STARTALK is guided by six Principles for Effective Teaching & Learning and has three main objectives:

  1. To increase the number of students enrolled in the study of critical-need languages
  2. To increase the number of highly effective critical language teachers in the U.S.
  3. To increase the number of highly effective materials and curricula available to teachers and students of these critical-need languages

To learn more about STARTALK programs CLICK HERE.

Graduation of 2017

On Saturday, June 3 our eighth grade class of 2017 graduated in a ceremony at the school. We are very proud of all of their hard work and dedication over the past three years. Congratulations Class of 2017!

3rd Trimester Award Ceremony

On June 7th, 2017, YSWPCS had its third-trimester award ceremony for the year. Almost every student received an award. Honor Roll was given to students with all Ss for Kindergarten and all As and Bs for 1st through 7th grade. High Honor Roll was given to students with all Os and Ss for Kindergarten and all As for 1st through 7th grade. Special awards were also given like music scholar, highest objectives for accelerated math, best attendance, and other categories as well as awards for language classes.

We are extremely proud of all of our students and teachers hard work! Thanks to all parents who came and share the moment with us.